Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I HAZ luck

First Ice Queen on Ken Server and first 2 pair of Ice Queen's Earrings but they do nothing at lvl 0.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Sorry about no updates ...taxes are too high and I cant afford to hunts =(

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"The race is long - to finish first, first you must finish."

This Is the new people Death Match....Its pretty much like a seige but you cannot esc and you can not see anyones you never know who you are hitting....Pot decay is good spell to have in there =)
The GMs let the test players have a lot of fun killing the bosses they spawned in gludin....Dragons, grims and lots of others a few of the new ones too....Was really fun Im glad I was on for it hehe. Thx GMs~ =)